Please be advised about these SERIOUS Medical Conditions Associated with Really Fake News! Public input is desired to help identify the symptoms of these awful conditions!
1. R.F. N. Insanity Syndrome with a brain condition known as Dumbassery!
Symptoms: a. Wearing Masks & Blocking Traffic then get mad when run over. b. Suppressing free speech at colleges and Universities.

2. R.F. N. 'POOP' for brains! (Psychotics' Officially Off Prozac)
Symptoms: a. Unable to discern between democrat party propaganda & reality. b. Will believe anything providing it comes from a source who wants to remain anonymous.

3. R.F. N. Sno-crybaby-libtard-can't-handle-reality-colon in the cranium syndrome! Symptoms: a. Uncontrollable screaming as Trump is sworn in at his inauguration. b. Going to a woman’s march, but excluding some women because they don’t politically agree with you.

4. R.F. N. External-Cranial Existence Fatigue
Symptoms: a. Unable to cope with physical areas & real people outside the reality they made up in their head. b. Demanding separate but equal dorm rooms and graduation ceremonies for perceived minority ‘social justice.’

5. R.F. N. Trans Spinal-Cranial-Rectal Inversion Symptoms: a. Being offended by historical people, historical monuments and any historical truth and then demanding that said objects be erased, torn down and scrubbed from existence. b. Unable to distinguish the fact that people today aren’t responsible for the slave trade that ENDED in 1860!

6. R.F.N. Chronic Overstatus Numerous Deathos Disorder (C.O.N.D.D.) Symptoms: a. State in a news conference that 93 million people die every day from gun violence. b. In yet another news conference say that 700 billion people will die if Obamacare is repealed. C. Create & air a commercial accusing of republicans of wanting to push anyone over 65 over a cliff.

7. R.F.N. Aggressive Rectal Supermassive Explosion Syndrome (A.R.S.E.S.) Symptoms are: a. Dressing up like zombies to walk the streets of Hamburg for no apparent reason. b. Starts fires, attack the police and loot businesses of innocent Germans who pay their welfare checks. c. In the USA, feminists who dress up like giant vaginas to “Protest for muslims” who want to kill gays, rape women & marry little girls, and the ones they don’t kill sell as slaves.

8. R.F.N. D’Farts : Democrats Fascists Antifa Rejecting Trump Syndrome!
Symptoms: 1. Anitfa protesting because they were unable accept the results of the 2016 election and constantly and illogically call for impeachment of DJT! 2. Democrats always calling President Trump and republicans nazis when even though the democrat party is more like the nazis than anyone. 3. Has-been politicians and news hacks calling people traitors to america just because they’re too dumb to understand the art of the deal. - Ivana Smaku