A no name democrat extremist swamp dweller called Ben Carson, HUD secretary, despicable for ensuring HUD follows Federal Law by NOT allowing illegal aliens to receive government housing benefits over American Citizens, and similarly luney toon democrat said that it was "cruel."
How many more examples do we really need to be convinced that democrats put the needs of illegal aliens above of Americans? Do we need: more lawless politicians, sanctuary cities or states, more illegal aliens receiving government handouts or free tuition while Citizens are turned away, more illegal aliens crossing the border with sex slaves (children), drugs & communicable diseases, more vehicular homicides and/or crimes and/or more rapes being committed and going unpunished by illegal aliens, more illegal votes by illegal aliens?
Just stop me when you think we've reached the limit......................

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"Quite frankly, I find it despicable," Maloney said of the plan, which would eliminate government aid for families with members who are in the U.S. illegally, even if other family members, such as children, are citizens or legal residents.
"The proposal notes that existing law prohibits the government from providing housing assistance to those in the country illegally, and allows Carson to strip assistance from anyone receiving it improperly.
"Committee Chairwoman Maxine Waters, D-Calif., also commented on the proposal during her opening statement, calling it "cruel," and "inconsistent with HUD's mission."