What does the definition of a racist & racism have in common? The only way to tell if someone REALLY is racist they would have to literally read their minds! Discerning racism or racists requires someone to literally get in someone’s head, to know & see their deepest darkest thoughts & beliefs, and this is patently impossible (unless you’re a mind reader)!
Today, though, we don’t really need to be a psychic to discover who is and who isn’t a racist, because thanks to the democrats and their corrupt media, progressive, communist & socialist allies EVERYONE is racist by default except 4 women of color in the H.O.R., liberals & progressives, radical baby killers, ice rioters, illegal alien supporters, pussy hat wearing 3rd wave feminists, basement dwelling antifa thugs, black Israelites, black lives matter, the black panther party, muslin brotherhood, mulins, nation of islan, louis farrakan, jesse jackson, al sharption) of course!
Racism defining key phrase: “based on the belief…”
Racist defining Key phrase: “who believes that…”
The term ‘belief or believes’ is a purely subjective term and CANNOT be objective or factual in any way. Being subjective means it can have more than one or MANY interpretations. When you call someone a racist based on YOUR perception of what their beliefs that’s YOUR interpretation YOUR opinion because the person one your right & and the one to your left might say that same person is NOT a racist.
AGAIN, YOUR CLAIMS OF RACISM IS BASED ON YOUR PERCEPTION NOT FACT! Furthermore, when YOU do call someone a racist who in fact is NOT a racist you are propagating hate speech and a committing a vile hate crime. Remember this: Those who YELL racist racist the loudest are usually the BIGGEST most hateful racists in the room!
Whew…I am so glad we got that straight because I was having sooooo much trouble sleeping at night worrying about THIS!
Racism Defined: Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior. The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races. https://www.lexico.com/en/definition/racism
Racist Defined: A person who shows or feels discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or who believes that a particular race is superior to another. Showing or feeling discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or believing that a particular race is superior to another. https://www.lexico.com/en/definition/racist
Read More about the REAL racists, the democrat party:
The REAL Political Spectrum Liberals & the Media Refuse to Believe Exists!
A Personal Essay by John M Jones III (5/7/19)

Due to certain social medias' history of censoring, shadow banning, and blatant hypocrisy in their banning, blocking, and deleting accounts THEY and the democrats deem wrong, offensive or even the truth We are working hard to #deplatform from those social media sites! Our content will be available at THIS new hypocrisy free website, hosted by our friends the “Citizen Journalists of America or CJA.” (I myself created this organization and subsequent websites to promote more Citizen Journalism in America)
The CJA and my new site “The Battle-Line Citizen Journalist Network or The Battle-Line or TBL-CJN” will still use social media platforms to help spread our content, but the content itself will hosted at the TBL-CJN website to ensure that it will not and cannot be censured, erased, or otherwise manipulated by alt-left fanatics that run the social media networks.
You can join TBL-CJN by using your facebook or google credentials to make comments on our content or if you are a citizen journalist you can contact the admin to become a TBL Associate Contributor. Won’t it feel good not having all those crazed liberal social media loons looking over your shoulder? Won’t it feel good to take back our society from these leftists who use social media to spread their evil instead of making the world a better place.
Please join us now because at TBL-CJN truth, justice, and the American way is not a violation of community standards. In addition, when you join the TBL you will get instant notifications of new content by all the citizen contributors bypassing this social media propaganda network altogether. A win-win I’d say don’t you?
Please visit The Battle-Line Citizen Journalist Network Home page or Click 'Join' above to become a member: https://www.thebattle-line.com
-JMJ, Administrator