Dems scream ‘impeach Trump’ daily because they are still butt hurt from 2016, but why didn’t they call for it after these other 'ah-hem' scandals:
-over 17 million tax dollars was secretly paid to make hundreds of congressional sexual harassment allegations ‘go away’.
-harry reid openly & blatantly lied, about mitt romney, in a speech and then laughed about it later.
-multiple congressional democrats tried to ‘bork’ a supreme court nominee with numerous, salacious, and unsubstantiated sexual assault allegations?
-when a democrat president, bill Clinton, actually committed 11 possible felonies, including perjury, obstruction of justice, witness tampering and abuse of power.” While in office no less!
This is not a problem of just ONE political party, but it is a systemic problem in our government stemming from the local municipalities all the way to the DC swamp. The problem is the VOTERS not the slimy elected officials! Many millions of American citizens need to start voting. In addition, those who DO vote should to put needs of America First NOT the wants of their political party and NOT their own wallets. Furthermore, we need to vote out ANYONE who fails in this regard in the next elections cycle.
Only when swamp dweller politicians understand that WE the voters will no longer their ineptitude or corruption we may well get some real change! Not that hopey changey thing obama promised and utterly failed to deliver!
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"Even so, all the public knows is that since 1997, Congress has paid more than $17 million to settle scores of workplace claims from a special Treasury Department fund created by the 1995 law…Whether the claims involved sexual harassment, or discrimination against protected groups, is unknown. So is the identity of lawmakers and aides involved in alleged misbehavior…Such secrecy is a betrayal of the public trust and the whole notion that government works in public. Nor should Capitol Hill be a place that tolerates crude and ugly mistreatment of women."
"They can call it whatever they want. Romney didn't win did he?" Reid said during a wide-ranging interview…So, in Reid's world, it is perfectly acceptable to make a defamatory charge against an opponent to damage his campaign…Not only does Reid not think he did anything wrong, he's actually proud that his lies might have helped cost Romney the election.
“Despite these facts, Democratic Sens. Dianne Feinstein (Calif.), Cory Booker (N.J.), Kamala Harris (Calif.), Sheldon Whitehouse (R.I.) and others entered the false claims into the Congressional Record. They berated Kavanaugh in front of the country as a liar and a sexual predator. Upon his confirmation, they vowed to impeach him should Democrats ever regain control of the Senate. Based on the false allegations perpetuated by Democratic senators and their allies in the media, the left questioned his ability to be a safe father or proper coach of his daughter’s basketball team. All of it was and continues to be a total disgrace.”
“In the report, which contained graphic details of Clinton and Lewinsky's sexual relationship, Starr claimed Clinton performed actions that were "inconsistent with the president's constitutional duty to faithfully execute the laws" and outlined a case for impeaching him on 11 possible grounds, including perjury, obstruction of justice, witness tampering and abuse of power.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starr_Report

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The CJA and my new site “The Battle-Line Citizen Journalist Network or The Battle-Line or TBL-CJN” will still use social media platforms to help spread our content, but the content itself will hosted at the TBL-CJN website to ensure that it will not and cannot be censured, erased, or otherwise manipulated by alt-left fanatics that run the social media networks.
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-JMJ, Administrator