I am not sure which is worse a black democrat house member who says black voices are meaningless unless you vote democrat, muslin voices are meaningless unless you vote democrat, queer voices are meaningless unless you vote democrat, women voices are meaningless unless you vote democrat or a has-been two-bit comedian who says that devil worshipers who sacrifice children to satan are a better class of people than Trump supporters.
I guess they forgot the according to mainstream exit polls over 42% of women, 8% of blacks, 29% hispanics, 29% asian, and 37% “other races” ALL supported Trump in 2016. Are they really serious when they say that the 42% of non-white races & the 42% of women voters are deviants worse than devil worshippers? YES! Black democrats repeatedly call other blacks uncle toms or worse to keep free thinking blacks on the dem plantation, while other supposedly WOKE democrats accuse white women of being gender traitors if they vote for republicans, and that' only TWO examples.
Dem really don’t care about women, blacks, whites, hispanics, asians or even about illegal aliens. They use them only as pawns in a game of divide, conquer & destroy America and as a means to take power from the people and give it to themselves and the democrat party. If you fail to realize this, it’s at your own peril but for myself I will fight for my rights given to me by the Constitution of the United States and will defend them to the death ANYONE who tries to take them away. What are YOU willing to do?
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>>Source Data<<
"We don’t need black faces that don’t want to be a black voice," she said. "We don’t need Muslims that don’t want to be a Muslim voice. We don’t need queers that don’t want to be a queer voice. If you’re worried about being marginalized and stereotyped, please don’t even show up because we need you to represent that voice."
"You could worship the devil and be a better human being than if you worshiped Donald Trump," said Hughley. "Look up the tenets of the Church of Satan ... and then go to a Trump rally and you’ll feel safer around Beelzebub than this dude."
To get an insight into which groups actually voted for him, you can look at the exit poll conducted across the country by Edison Research for the National Election Pool, a consortium of ABC News, The Associated Press, CBS News, CNN, Fox News and NBC News.
President Trump received 62,984,825 Votes in 2016
Revealing the Truth About “Uncle Tom” – The Democrats Have turned it into a Hate Name
In the wake of the elections, progressives accuse white women of betraying the sisterhood. Amid the inevitable outrage fest touched off by the election results, hardcore partisans on the left solidified around one particular angry narrative: If and when Democrats lose, it is because white women remain insufficiently woke.

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-JMJ, Administrator