Youtubes new community standards are just as vague and undefinable as they ever were before they updated them. To make matters worse they refuse tell you specifically what you did to violate their terms nor is there a way to appeal their punishment they just ship you off to ‘jail’. Sounds, to me, like something joseph stalin or hilter or obama would do. What do you think?
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Community Standards: Hateful content: Our products are platforms for free expression. But we don't support content that promotes or condones violence against individuals or groups based on race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, gender, age, nationality, veteran status, or sexual orientation/gender identity, or whose primary purpose is inciting hatred on the basis of these core characteristics. This can be a delicate balancing act, but if the primary purpose is to attack a protected group, the content crosses the line. (1)
What this means for you: If you're posting content: Don’t post content on YouTube if the purpose of that content is to do one or more of the following. Encourage violence against individuals or groups based on any of on the attributes noted above. We don’t allow threats on YouTube, and we treat implied calls for violence as real threats. Incite hatred against individuals or groups based on any of the attributes noted. Age, Caste, Disability, Ethnicity, Gender Identity, Nationality, Race, Immigration Status, Religion, Sex/Gender, Sexual Orientation, Victims of a major violent event and their kin, Veteran Status (2)
Why it is impossible to follow these rules: The terms ‘promoting or condoning’ or ‘violence & inciting hatred’ or ‘protected group & crossing the line’ or ‘encouraging violence or threats’ are ALL totally subjective. Their definition solely depends on who is defining it. Since there is over 7 billion people on earth there ARE 7 billion definitions of these words. Furthermore, youtube fails to define these words themselves therefore making it literally impossible to follow their guidelines.
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Violent or graphic content: It's not okay to post violent or gory content that's primarily intended to be shocking, sensational, or gratuitous. If posting graphic content in a news or documentary context, please be mindful to provide enough information to help people understand what's going on in the video. Don't encourage others to commit specific acts of violence. (1)
Violent or graphic content policies: Violent or gory content intended to shock or disgust viewers, or content encouraging others to commit violent acts are not allowed on YouTube. What this means for you: If you're posting content: Don’t post content on YouTube if it fits any of the descriptions noted below.
Inciting others to commit violent acts against individuals or a defined group of people
Fights involving minors
Footage, audio, or imagery involving road accidents, natural disasters, war aftermath, terrorist attack aftermath, street fights, physical attacks, sexual assaults, immolation, torture, corpses, protests or riots, robberies, medical procedures, or other such scenarios with the intent to shock or disgust viewers
Footage or imagery showing bodily fluids, such as blood or vomit, with the intent to shock or disgust viewers
Content where there is infliction of unnecessary suffering or harm deliberately causing an animal distress
Content where animals are encouraged or coerced to fight by humans
Dramatized or fictional footage of anything listed above where the viewer is not provided with enough context to determine that the footage is dramatized or fictional (3)
Why it is impossible to follow these rules: The terms ‘violent or gory’ or ‘intended’ or ‘shocking, sensational, or gratuitous’ or ‘encourage others’ are ALL totally subjective. Their definition solely depends on who is defining it. Since there is over 7 billion people on earth there ARE 7 billion definitions of these words. Furthermore, youtube fails to define these words themselves therefore making it literally impossible to follow their guidelines.
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Threats: Things like predatory behavior, stalking, threats, harassment, intimidation, invading privacy, revealing other people's personal information, and inciting others to commit violent acts or to violate the Terms of Use are taken very seriously. Anyone caught doing these things may be permanently banned from YouTube.
Harassment and cyberbullying: It’s not ok to post abusive videos and comments on YouTube. If harassment crosses the line into a malicious attack it can be reported and may be removed. In other cases, users may be mildly annoying or petty and should be ignored. (1)
Harassment and cyberbullying policy: Content or behavior intended to maliciously harass, threaten, or bully others is not allowed on YouTube. What this means for you: If you're posting content: Don’t post content on YouTube if it fits any of the descriptions noted below.
Revealing someone’s personal information, such as their address, private email addresses, private phone numbers, passport number, or bank account information
Note: This does not include posting widely available public information, such as a public official’s office phone number
Content that is deliberately posted in order to humiliate someone
Content that makes hurtful and negative personal comments/videos about another person
Content that incites others to harass or threaten individuals on or off YouTube
Content featuring non-consensual sex acts or unwanted sexualization
Content threatening specific individuals with physical harm or destruction of property
Content featuring abusive or threatening behavior directed at a minor
Sexualizing or degrading an individual who is engaged or present in an otherwise non-sexual context
Content claiming that specific victims of public violent incidents or their next of kin are actors, or that their experiences are false (4)
Why it is impossible to follow these rules: The terms ‘predatory behavior or stalking” or ‘intimidation or inciting others’ or ‘Harassment and cyberbullying’ or ‘abusive or malicious attack’ or ‘threaten, or bully’ or ‘humiliate’ or ‘hurtful or negative’ or ‘incites or sexualization’ are ALL totally subjective. Their definition solely depends on who is defining it. Since there is over 7 billion people on earth there ARE 7 billion definitions of these words. “Content claiming that specific victims of public violent incidents or their next of kin are actors, or that their experiences are false” was inserted to ban a specific person from youtube thus proving that these standards were and ARE not intended to protect users but to be punitive toward Americans and their free speech. Furthermore, youtube fails to define these words themselves therefore making it literally impossible to follow their guidelines.
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Impersonation: Accounts that are established to impersonate another channel or individual may be removed under our impersonation policy. (1)
Policy on impersonation: Content intended to impersonate a person or channel is not allowed on YouTube. YouTube also enforces trademark holder rights. When a channel, or content in the channel, causes confusion about the source of goods and services advertised, it may not be allowed. What this means for you: If you're posting content: Don’t post content on YouTube if it fits any of the descriptions noted below.
A channel that copies another channel's profile, background, or overall look and feel in such a way that makes it look like someone else's channel.
Content intended to look like someone else is posting it.
Content or a channel that imitates someone’s real name, user name, image, or other personal information to deceive people into thinking they are someone else on YouTube.
This policy applies to videos, video descriptions, comments, live streams, and any other YouTube product or feature. Please note this is not a complete list. (5)
Why it is impossible to follow these rules: The terms ‘impersonate’ or ‘confusion’ or ‘look and feel’ ‘imitates or copies’ are ALL totally subjective. Their definition solely depends on who is defining it. Since there is over 7 billion people on earth there ARE 7 billion definitions of these words. Furthermore, youtube fails to define these words themselves therefore making it literally impossible to follow their guidelines.
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Additional policies: Vulgar language: Some language is not appropriate for younger audiences. Use of sexually explicit language or excessive profanity in your video or associated metadata may lead to the age-restriction of your video.
Encouraging Terms of Service violations: If you post content that encourages other users to violate our Terms of Service, the content may be removed, your account may be penalized, and in some cases your account may be terminated. (6)
Why it is impossible to follow these rules: The terms ‘vulgar language’ or ‘not appropriate’ or ‘sexually explicit or excessive profanity’ or ‘encouraging others’ are ALL totally subjective. Their definition solely depends on who is defining it. Since there is over 7 billion people on earth there ARE 7 billion definitions of these words. Furthermore, youtube fails to define these words themselves therefore making it literally impossible to follow their guidelines.
(1) https://www.youtube.com/yt/about/policies/#community-guidelines
(2) https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/2801939?hl=en
(3) https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/2802008?hl=en
(4) https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/2802268?hl=en
(5) https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/2801947?hl=en
(6) https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/2801981?hl=en

Due to certain social medias' history of censoring, shadow banning, and blatant hypocrisy in their banning, blocking, and deleting accounts THEY and the democrats deem wrong, offensive or even the truth We are working hard to #deplatform from those social media sites! Our content will be available at THIS new hypocrisy free website, hosted by our friends the “Citizen Journalists of America or CJA.” (I myself created this organization and subsequent websites to promote more Citizen Journalism in America)
The CJA and my new site “The Battle-Line Citizen Journalist Network or The Battle-Line or TBL-CJN” will still use social media platforms to help spread our content, but the content itself will hosted at the TBL-CJN website to ensure that it will not and cannot be censured, erased, or otherwise manipulated by alt-left fanatics that run the social media networks.
You can join TBL-CJN by using your facebook or google credentials to make comments on our content or if you are a citizen journalist you can contact the admin to become a TBL Associate Contributor. Won’t it feel good not having all those crazed liberal social media loons looking over your shoulder? Won’t it feel good to take back our society from these leftists who use social media to spread their evil instead of making the world a better place.
Please join us now because at TBL-CJN truth, justice, and the American way is not a violation of community standards. In addition, when you join the TBL you will get instant notifications of new content by all the citizen contributors bypassing this social media propaganda network altogether. A win-win I’d say don’t you?
Please visit The Battle-Line Citizen Journalist Network Home page or Click 'Join' above to become a member: https://www.thebattle-line.com
-JMJ, Administrator