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Fascistbook Community Standards are TOTAL & Utter Scam!

Writer: J Jones IIIJ Jones III

Updated: May 29, 2019

A Personal Report by John M Jones III (5/28/19)

Update: On May 7, 2019 , I posted this text & link to an essay I wrote to my fb: Liberals have long labeled nazis, kkk, white supremacists as right-wing hate groups to vilify the right as racist haters. Well, these hate groups belong to the democrats and I can prove it! I will no longer tolerate being disparaged by them or any other lying piece of garbage!


I posted to over 30 fb groups &* pages and received no fb jail for this post. Note even a blip on the screen.

On May 8, 2019 I posted the following text and link which contained a 'readers digest version' of the Essay I posted on May 7 about the "Right Wing Hate Group Hoax": There is no such thing a right wing hate group! They label nazis, kkk, white supremacist/ nationalists as right wing hate groups but its all a HOAX bigger than #FinePeopleHoax. These are LEFT hate groups not Right and it's time for EVERYONE to know!


After I posted the above text & link to over 30 groups & pages I received several messages from the "fb community standards enforcement team"

I was banned from liking, posting, or commenting ANYWHERE on facebook for 7 days for my unknown crime. Furthermore, on May 8, 2019. I had fb friend post the EXACT same post, the one that got me banned, 16 times on his page and to his groups. Guess what happened? NOTHING! No bans, no emails, no lame explanations from the community standards enforcement team.

Since the end my my illegally imposed fb jail I have purposely posted more provocative material, than my original post hoping to trigger facebook, and guess what happened. NOT A THING!! That fact that i received no fb jail proves to me that there is a serious problem at facebook.

There is no equal or consistent enforcement of the community standards. If they can't enforce their own rules equally, consistently or fairly, I hate to say this, we should regulate them so that they would be forced to treat their users with a little more respect. until then they, and any other social media company that illegally censor their users, can take their community standards and stick them where the sun is 'shaded from view"!!!

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Summary of comments I made for which I got no fb jail:

"Dems Bleeding hypocrisy out of EVERY orifice"

"Social Media censor political/free thought for the love of the almighty dollar!"

"fb is evil incarnate and should censor itself if anyone!"

"If whites & republicans are sooo racist then why does there seem to be so many MORE of THEM who want to stop the genocide of innocent black babies by abortion than do democrats?"

"Democrat party = Genocide 'R US"

"A black politician accused a white govener & mostly white male legislature of 'raping alabama'"

"A person can kill with their bare hands, so following this 'democrat safe space snowflake logic' we must NOW ‘disunite’ the hands of Earth's 7 billion humans"

"Are people in England so brainwashed that they gave a spoon and a butter knife to the police so they wouldn't 'fall' into the wrong hands?"

"Over 10 yrs the alabama law might've rescued about 40k black babies from the democrat death machine yet some no name 2 bit crapper rapper equates it to slavery. I don't think he'd know what slavery really was even if it was chained to his leg..yep, I went there!"

"Planned Parenthood & Abortion Kills Literally"

"The demonrat swamp is great at naming bills the EXACT opposite of their actual content. Remember the "affordable care act" now we have the "equality act"? They lied about aca THEN, so it’s safe to assume they are lying NOW, too! Nuff said?"

"The Democrat Swamp Empire Strikes Again!"

"The equality act is yet another example extremist democrats who are constantly trying to divide America into victim groups."

"If the dems could win LEGALLY at the ballot box then why don't they just let the PEOPLE decide the POTUS. They won't because they think ALL Americans (even other dems) are uneducated racist bigots who are just too dumb to be allowed to vote!!!!"

"The ballot box, for dems is a prison cell"

"The democrats are trying to overturn the election because they hate the guy who won, hate America & ALL it's people, and are trying cover up their own crimes. Does anyone wonder what depths of depravity they will stoop to keep DJT from another FOUR years as our POTUS? I don't!"

"An Illegal Alien by ANY Other Name is STILL an Illegal Alien!"

"A no name democrat extremist swamp dweller called Ben Carson, HUD secretary, despicable for ensuring HUD follows Federal Law by NOT allowing illegal aliens to receive government housing benefits.."

"How many more examples do we really need to be convinced that democrats put the needs of illegal aliens above of Americans?"

"Dems Secretly Hope Most Voters Stay Home 'cause It’s the only way they can win!"

"AOC, the RPOS democrat, is going around the DC swamp like she runs the place, but OVER 78% voting age people in her district didn't vote for her or vote at ALL. In the USA, Voter suppression is NOT a problem it's voter apathy!!"

"I just coined a new term for democrats, called ‘Two-face Trollops’. It means a bad-mannered, immoral and/or scandalous democrat, especially, one who engages in blatant hypocrisy for money, power or votes!"

"20 Years, 2 Special Counsels, and 1 Giant Democrat Hypocrisy!"

"ATTENTION fascistbook. This is a real account and I am a real person. There are no russian bots here! I am a US citizen and self-proclaimed citizen journalist exercising my constitutional right of free speech & and freedom of the press."

"MZ and facebook are PANT ON FIRE LIARS"

"IF YOU perceive that someone is a racist white supremacist based on their use of the OKAY symbol perhaps you should look to your own racial biases and see if YOU are the one unable get past your own hatred & prejudices of others!!!!"

"The Racist Okay Symbol: A Hoax That Backfired!"

"The so-called 'white power' sign was a meme created to ridicule dems & liberals and the media look stupid. It was NOT created or originally used by ANY group, however because it successfully & hilariously triggered so many snowflakes, democrats, and media hacks because of THEIR own racial & political biases certain groups did start to use the gesture"

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Post fb jail Timeline (Actual Posts with comments from above)

May 15, 2018 post: Would the left & media give baptists or ANY other denomination a pass for "renting" space to the KKK or White Supremacists?? I think we all know the answer to that!


Result: No fb jail! < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < <

May 16, 2018 post: Social Media censor political/free thought for the love of the almighty dollar! They care about that way more than your friends list, timeline, tweets, snapchat, Instagram or who you swipe right for! Fail to Recognize this at YOUR OWN PERIL!!!


Result: No fb jail! < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < <

May 17, 2019 post: If whites & republicans are sooo racist then why does there seem to be so many MORE of THEM who want to stop the genocide of innocent black babies by abortion than do democrats? Just asking for a friend.

Result: No fb jail! < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < <

May 18, 2019 post: A person can kill with their bare hands, so following this 'democrat safe space snowflake logic' we must NOW ‘disunite’ the hands of Earth's 7 billion humans. AFTER ALL, IT'S FOR YOUR PROTECTION!!!

Result: No fb jail! < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < <

May 19, 2019 post: Over 10 yrs the alabama law might've rescued about 40k black babies from the democrat death machine yet some no name 2 bit crapper rapper equates it to slavery. I don't think he'd know what slavery really was even if it was chained to his leg..yep, I went there!


Result: No fb jail! < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < <

May 20, 2019 post: The demonrat swamp is great at naming bills the EXACT opposite of their actual content. Remember the "affordable care act" now we have the "equality act"? They lied about aca THEN, so it’s safe to assume they are lying NOW, too! Nuff said?????


Result: No fb jail! < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < <

May 21, 2019 post: If the dems could win LEGALLY at the ballot box then why don't they just let the PEOPLE decide the POTUS. They won't because they think ALL Americans (even other dems) are uneducated racist bigots who are just too dumb to be allowed to vote!!!!

Result: No fb jail! < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < <

May 21, 2019 post: Do you know why it’s not BIG news when I tell you that dems only follow the laws THEY agree with and openly defy laws they don’t like? It’s because they’ve done it for sooooo many years, we just consider it their normal behavior, and that’s just INSANE!!!


Result: No fb jail! < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < <

May 22, 2019 post: AOC, the RPOS democrat, is going around the DC swamp like she runs the place, but OVER 78% voting age people in her district didn't vote for her or vote at ALL. In the USA, Voter suppression is NOT a problem it's voter apathy!!

Result: No fb jail! < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < <

May 23, 2019 post: I just coined a new term for democrats, called ‘Two-face Trollops’. It means a bad-mannered, immoral and/or scandalous democrat, especially, one who engages in blatant hypocrisy for money, power or votes! (It afflicts some Republicans, too, right mitt) Read the AVM Report Below!!


Result: No fb jail! < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < <

May 25, 2019 post: ATTENTION fascistbook. This is a real account and I am a real person. There are no russian bots here! I am a US citizen and self-proclaimed citizen journalist exercising my constitutional right of free speech & and freedom of the press.

2020 is right around the corner and you seem intent, like you did in 2018, to collude with other social media companies to purge accounts you claim are 'negatively affecting' the upcoming election. My account and related pages although filled with sarcasm, irony, ridicule and sometimes frivolity at times still contains large doses of truth. Speaking, sharing and writing the TRUTH is not a violation of community standards, PERIOD!

By censoring me and other users who refuse to live on the democrat plantation you're perpetuating you NOT I nor any of the 3 billion accounts you've deleted are the one guilty of manipulating the election process. Stop these actions immediately, further interference will not be tolerated! This is your final and only warning!!


Result: No fb jail! < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < <

May 26, 2019 post: IF YOU perceive that someone is a racist white supremacist based on their use of the OKAY symbol perhaps you should look to your own racial biases and see if YOU are the one unable get past your own hatred & prejudices of others!!!!


Result: No fb jail! < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < <

May 27, 2019 post: Social media seem intent on censoring ONE side not the other so we must now take it upon ourselves to let others user know that their content is unacceptable... Use this to Trigger them>>>


Result: No fb jail! < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < <

Due to certain social medias' history of censoring, shadow banning, and blatant hypocrisy in their banning, blocking, and deleting accounts THEY and the democrats deem wrong, offensive or even the truth We are working hard to #deplatform from those social media sites! Our content will be available at THIS new hypocrisy free website, hosted by our friends the “Citizen Journalists of America or CJA.” (I myself created this organization and subsequent websites to promote more Citizen Journalism in America)

The CJA and my new site “The Battle-Line Citizen Journalist Network or The Battle-Line or TBL-CJN” will still use social media platforms to help spread our content, but the content itself will hosted at the TBL-CJN website to ensure that it will not and cannot be censured, erased, or otherwise manipulated by alt-left fanatics that run the social media networks.

You can join TBL-CJN by using your facebook or google credentials to make comments on our content or if you are a citizen journalist you can contact the admin to become a TBL Associate Contributor. Won’t it feel good not having all those crazed liberal social media loons looking over your shoulder? Won’t it feel good to take back our society from these leftists who use social media to spread their evil instead of making the world a better place.

Please join us now because at TBL-CJN truth, justice, and the American way is not a violation of community standards. In addition, when you join the TBL you will get instant notifications of new content by all the citizen contributors bypassing this social media propaganda network altogether. A win-win I’d say don’t you?

Please visit The Battle-Line Citizen Journalist Network Hompage or Click 'Join' above to become a member:

-JMJ, Adminstrator


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  • The Battle-Line CJN

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