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Saying You’re a Person of Color Makes YOU a Racist!

Writer: J Jones IIIJ Jones III

An Personal Essay by John M Jones III (8/02/19)

The term ‘Person of Color” (p.o.c.) is yet another way the dems are now using vilify those people descended from “white europeans!” Lexico defines p.o.c as a person who is not WHITE OR of European Parentage. (1) Is it not racist to make judgments upon a whole group of people based on their skin color or ancestry? According to the urban dictionary it is because it defines a racist as “A label given to a person, or group of people who hate/dislike those who belong to a different race. This typically applies to hatred based on skin-color.“ (5)

When you paint all whites as being evil race hating bigots on one side and then yourself & basically everyone else on the entire planet on the others side as peace & planet loving & pure as the driven snow you ARE a racist and you ARE committing a HATE CRIME!

When Rep. Rashida Tlaib, says we can’t criticize her wanting to “impeach the mother effer” because she is a p.o.c. isn’t she really saying: You are not allowed to criticize me because my skin color & gender makes me somehow better than anyone else especially ones with a lighter skin complexion. HATE CRIME! (6)

Rep. Ilhan Omar, says we can’t criticize her for supporting sharia law & female genital mutilation in the USA because she is a p.o.c. isn’t she really saying: You are not allowed to criticize me because my skin color & gender makes me somehow better than anyone else especially ones with a lighter skin complexion. HATE CRIME! (7)

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, says we can’t criticize her for supporting a law that would bankrupt the USA because she is a p.o.c. isn’t she really saying: You are not allowed to criticize me because my skin color & gender makes me somehow better than anyone else especially ones with a lighter skin complexion. HATE CRIME! (8)

Rep. Ayanna Pressley, says we can’t criticize her for saying “don't need 'any more black faces that don't want to be a black voice" because she is a p.o.c. isn’t she really saying: You are not allowed to criticize me because my skin color & gender makes me somehow better than anyone else especially ones with a lighter skin complexion. HATE CRIME! (9)

Rep. Elijah Cummings, says we can’t criticize him for revealing that he has only passed 19 bills in 33 years and been paid more than 3.5 million dollars while he ignored the people of baltimore because he is a p.o.c. isn’t he really saying: You are not allowed to criticize me because my skin color makes me somehow better than anyone else especially ones with a lighter skin complexion. HATE CRIME! (9)

Science says that the idea of race is a one social NOT genetic, (2) therefore when ANYONE especially politicians who place themselves above others SOLEY based on their skin color or genetics IS a blatant racist bigot because only racist bigots devalue others for NO other reason than the color of their skin!

Again, the idea of Race is a social construct. Currently, the Earth has MANY peoples that hate and YES sometimes it is based on skin color (most hatred, today though, is religious hatred), but you cannot nor will I allow you to judge ALL white people today, who have committed no such offenses, for what OTHER white people have done in the past or allow you to slander all white people by calling them racist because they disagree with your political ideology. If YOU do attack, blame or smear whites for those reasons then you're committing & condoning the same crime of race hatred that you say whites did and THAT makes you a racist and massive hypocrite of EPIC proportions!

Sidenote: Wikipedia, describes white americans as being descended from indigenous people of Europe so that would make them a protected class because since they are descended from indigenous people, right? (4)

It also states that white people are descended from people in the Middle East and North Africa. If I am not mistaken the middle east is where somlia & palestine is along with many other Islanic nations so would that make Ilhan Omar & Rep. Rashida Tlaib and most muslins white, right? (4)

Since AOC has jewish ancestry from Spain would that make her white as well because Spain is in Europe and you can’t be a p.o.c if you have european parentage, right? (4)

Also isn’t Northern Africa where Egypt, Libya, Algeria, Mali, Niger, Ethiopia & the Sudan are? So that would mean that ANYONE in OR descended from those countries should be considered white? (4)

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>>Source Information<<











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