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Writer's pictureJ Jones III

The Benefit of the Secret Ballot for US Elections!

An AVM Investigative Essay by John M Jones III (11/15/18)

Our political system is BROKEN. Remember before the 2016 election when Candidate Clinton called her opponents supporters “deplorables?” Remember after the 2016 election Van Jones a CNN contributor called the election of President Trump a “White Lash?” Remember in June 2017 the daily wire published a list of 38 reasons Hillary used to explain her loss many of them blaming Republicans. Remember in April 2018 Hillary said ANY woman who voted for Donald Trump did so because a MAN told her to. Remember LAST WEEK when Vogue called out evil white women for voting for republicans?

Like parents who let their kids scream at the market and throw tantrums in restaurants these media and failed politicians refuse to take personal responsibility as to why they are losers. They play the blame game, but instead of blaming themselves for being a bad candidate or a fake news network they blame entire an entire race, gender, or party and each one of the previous are predominantly Caucasian. It’s true one party, in our current system, thinks that if you are white and you DON’T vote for them you naught but a racist, bigot, homophobe, transphobe, xenophobe, you want dirty air & water, and you want to throw grandma off a cliff. ALL Political parties’ try to demonize the other side so much that those mentally unstable people think that they must resort to violence which is TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE!

The reason media outlets & politicians demonize the other side is because they are pandering the so-called victim groups, they created to divide and conquer Americans. They say to this group that those people over there hate you and if you elect us and we’ll fight for you because we care. Then they tell the other people over there that this group hates you if you elect us we’ll fight for you because we care. ALL political party’s’ do this!

To solve this problem, we should immediately change the election system so that ALL VOTING is done by secret ballot. All voting patterns, votes from ANY demographic (racial, social, economic, or geographic), group, or political party should be kept secret and not revealed to ANYONE and exit polls should be banned as well. The results should list only votes for and vote against and that’s all!

If the United State were to make this important change, candidates who want to WIN would need to:

-Attempt to reach ALL citizens equally and not rely on one or more demographic (racial, social, economic, or geographic), group, or party to win elections which means they couldn’t simply pander to one demographic just to get their votes every two or four years.

-Try and reach more people by endorsing & voting for actions & policies supported by the majority of Americans and not just the actions & policies of political radicals on either extreme.

-Not assume that one group or party will vote for them just because they were a member of the same demographic (racial, social, economic, or geographic), group, or party. Furthermore, they couldn’t claim ownership of a demographic (racial, social, economic, or geographic), group, or party just because they voted for them in the last election cycle.

-Change voting districts so they were based SOLELY on population only and not on a demographic (racial, social, economic, or geographic), group, or party affiliation.

Losing Candidates in Contrast:

-Couldn’t vilify an entire demographic (racial, social, economic, or geographic), group, or party for not voting for them.

-Couldn’t claim the lack of exclusive support of one demographic (racial, social, economic, or geographic), group, or party caused them to lose the race.

-Would only have THEMSELVES to blame if they lost an election!

Other Benefits Include:

-It would make political parties redundant because politicians would be forced to seek votes from voters outside their party and force them to work together to keep government open, functioning and moving forward.

-It would encourage politicians to put the good of the country ahead of their own self-interests by forcing them to pass laws that benefit everyone instead themselves or a certain demographic (racial, social, economic, or geographic), group, or party.

-Politicians would be more accountable to everyone in their voting district or state because they wouldn’t know which demographic (racial, social, economic, or geographic), group, or party voted for them forcing them to represent all constituents equally without bias, prejudice or discrimination.

Twenty years ago, the political divide was relatively civil. In 2015-6, there were riots, suppression of free speech, destruction of private & public property and assaults. In 2017, there were riots, suppression of free speech, destruction of private & public property and assaults political shootings & killings. In 2018, there were riots, suppression of free speech, destruction of private & public property and assaults, shootings & killings, calls for violence against lawmakers by the democrats, the Kavanaugh guilty until proven innocent hearings, and now NINE DAYS after the election we’re ‘suddenly’ finding Broward County ballots in the science module of the international Space Station. WE CAN END THIS INSANITY BY MOVING TO A SECRET BALLOT FOR THE ENTIRE USA!!!

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1 Comment

J Jones III
J Jones III
Jan 27, 2019

We need to change our election & judicial system when judges can just up and change the election laws whenever they feel like it! LAWS are LAWS if you don’t like them change them, but you can’t change election laws DURING an election! It’s absolutely outrageous!

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