An AVM Investigative Essay by John M Jones III (4/2/19)
Contrary to the beating drum of the democrat socialist/communist party that if a country requires an id to vote they are racist bigots who hate poor people, blacks, and Hispanics. Asking for a ID at the voting place is NOT a white micro-aggression. In Fact, this false democrat party talking point was debunked way back in 2012 by none other than Mother Jones, an ultra-liberal publication, FYI, this was 3 years before President Trump announced his presidency AND interesting enough occurred during the obama administration! I wonder why many people have never heard of it Well , I found it and here are some important points made by this mj 2012 article:
Headline: The Quick Way to End the Vote-Fraud Wars? A National ID Card (1)
I’ve long believed that there’s a keen irony in the never-ending battle over voter ID. There’s an easy solution available to us already, one that should satisfy both sides, but in fact satisfies neither. Republicans hate it, Democrats hate it, and libertarians hate it. Everyone hates it. (1)
The solution is this: national ID. (1)
“We’re not only talking about fingerprinting every American, treating ordinary Americans like criminals in order to work,” American Civil Liberties Union legislative counsel Chris Calabrese told the Wall Street Journal. “We’re also talking about a card that would quickly spread from work to voting to travel to pretty much every aspect of American life that requires identification.” (1)
That sounds scary. But step back for a moment and listen to Anantharaman Muralidharan, a native of Singapore writing a few months ago about the identification card required of all residents there. It “doubles as a library card, it serves as identification when I apply for overseas visas or want to open a bank account. Someone’s IC also allows me to identify the other party if I get into an accident.” Hear any SS overtones? I don’t. (1)
And it’s not just Singapore. Most European countries produce ID cards for their residents, and they’re compulsory in Belgium, Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands, among others. This hasn’t turned any of those countries into police states, and it’s not likely to in the future. (1)
Here in the United States, each of us has a Social Security number, and most of us have a state-issued driver’s license—and those two things are enough to allow the government to monitor and track us already, just as easily as if we all had national ID. As Robert Kuttner, cofounder of the liberal American Prospect, notes, “The real issue is not whether government and business collect databases on citizens”—they already do that—“but whether there are adequate protections against abuses.” (1)
The reality of national ID is really pretty simple: It’s just a way of identifying people. It’s not a way of stopping terrorism. It’s not a way of stopping identity theft. (The critics are right about that.) But it would be a way for employers to make sure they hire only legal residents. It would be handy for the poor and the unbanked who don’t have ready access to secure ID. It might even make emergency medicine easier if it allowed more reliable access to digital medical records. (1)
But its greatest advantage might come at the ballot box. With a national ID card, voter registration—whose only purpose is to ensure that you’re eligible to vote—is a thing of the past. Just show your ID, which confirms that you’re 18 and a citizen, and you get to vote. (1)
If you’ve moved, all you need is your ID along with evidence of your new address. If states want to prevent, say, felons from voting, it’s up to them to make lists of ineligible voters for poll workers. But the burden is on them. (1)
In a functioning national ID system, the government should go out of its way to make ID easy to get. At a designated age—maybe 16, maybe 18—you get your card. If you have trouble with your birth documentation, the government helps you. (1)
National ID can be simple, convenient, and free. And it would make cries of voter fraud a thing of the past. (1)
So 7 years ago a liberal publication ADMITTED that a national voter id would STOP voter Fraud!
So 7 years ago a liberal publication ADMITTED that a national ID would benefit ALL Americans’ by standardizing an ID in the USA!
So 7 years ago a liberal publication ADMITTED that countries that already have national id are NOT police states or racist as the liberals would have you believe!
So 7 years ago a liberal publication ADMITTED that the US has Social security cards and State ID's which are practically equal to how a national ID would work!
So 7 years ago a liberal publication ADMITTED that a national ID would be a great way for employers to make sure they hire only legal residents!
So 7 years ago a liberal publication ADMITTED that a national ID would be handy for the poor who don’t have ready access to secure ID!
So 7 years ago a liberal publication ADMITTED It might even make emergency medicine and doctor visits easier if it allowed more reliable access to digital medical records!
So 7 years ago a liberal publication ADMITTED a national ID’s greatest advantage would be to ensure that ONLY eligible people would be allowed to vote!
So 7 years ago a liberal publication ADMITTED when obtaining a national ID the government would go out of its way to make ID easy to get and ff you have trouble with your birth documentation, the government helps you!
Finally, 7 years ago a liberal publication ADMITTED that a national id used for voting would make voter fraud a thing of the past.
Furthermore, democrats and racial agitators have continued to propagate the lie that voter ID is racist and simply refuse accept reality.
“We are witnessing a concerted effort to place new obstacles in front of minorities, low-income families and young people who seek to exercise their right to vote. A poll tax by another name would smell as vile.” — Maryland Rep. Steny Hoyer, Nov. 14, 2011 (2)
"Your water fountain is voter ID." — Rev. Al Sharpton, March 16, 2012 (2)
“These laws are the new Jim Crow laws of our times.” —Maryland Sen. Ben Cardin (D), June 11, 2012 (2)
"They're going after Eric Holder because he is supporting measures to overturn these voter suppression initiatives in the states. This is no accident. It is no coincidence. It is a plan on the part of the Republicans." — House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, June 21, 2012 (2)
"They’re pushing laws designed to change election outcomes by reducing voting, repressing turnout and turning the clock back to the days of Jim Crow. This is the exact opposite of where our country needs to go." — Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) , Dec. 7, 2011 (2)
If requiring an ID is racist then WHY do you need an ID to attend a DNC convention, or get Alcohol, Cigarettes, Opening a bank account, Apply for food stamps, Apply for welfare, Apply for Medicaid/Social Security, Apply for unemployment or a job, Rent/buy a house, apply for a mortgage, Drive/buy/rent a car, Get on an airplane, Get married, Purchase a gun, Adopt a pet, Rent a hotel room, Apply for a hunting license, Apply for a fishing license, Buy a cell phone, Visit a casino, Pick up a prescription, Hold a rally or protest, Blood donations, Buy an "M" rated video game, Purchase nail polish at CVS, Purchase certain cold medicines (3)
If requiring an ID to vote is voter suppression why then haven’t Brazil Canada, Germany, Switzerland, Ireland, Sweden, India, Spain, Greece, France, Malta, Belguim, Italy, South Africa been called out by the liberals and their corrupt criminal media conspirators? (4) I don’t see anyone calling them racist or bigots or that they hate poor people for demanding an ID to vote do you? Therefore, the democrat party talking point that ANYONE who supports voter ID is a racist bigot is a blatant lie and makes ANYONE who pushes this lie is guilty of race-baiting, treachery, and sedition against America and her people.
As educated voters it is our duty not to vote for or vote out ANYONE who commits race-baiting, treachery, and sedition! Furthermore, we cannot allow the lies of ANY political party to control a racial or society narrative that is totally false and designed to destroy our society as we know it!
You can start making these slime balls accountable by reading and sending your politicians the “All Voters Matter Voter Pledge” and by following the “AVM Voter Code of Conduct” We CAN take our country back but first we must rid ourselves of these leeches that have latched on to the government teat and who are attempting to destroy our country and who make millions off the backs of John & Jane Q public taxpayer who trade millions of dollars in exchange for votes and who put the rights of illegal aliens above the citizens of the States of America!
(1) https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2012/07/national-id-card-voter-fraud-solution/
(2) https://www.politico.com/gallery/7-controversial-voter-id-quotes?slide=0
(3) https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/24-things-that-require-a-photo-id
(4) https://toadvancefreedom.com/voter-id-whats-the-fuss-about/
Florida has NO mechanism to verify voters are FL residents or US citizens nor are there FL politicians that even care, because if there were we’d have a system that’d ensure NON-CITIZENS can’t vote, SO SAD!